WeWriWa – Job Classification

Set up: Gideon meets with the demon to get answers. From my WIP The Soul Collector’s Second Chance.

“Fascinating. I did not know that,” Gideon said, quirking his left eyebrow.

“No, each tier only knows what they must to do their job,” Memnoche nodded for emphais.

“But we demons or imps, we go by either name, do get to see more than the soul collectors and since we live in hell, we communicate with each other and so in the end probably know more than anyone of what takes place,” his smile reflected pride in his work.

“Well someone did not do their job that day when Beth showed up in her bathrobe and a child spotted her,” Gideon’s annoyed tone shot back.

“Yeah Ahhaah don’t remind me. That guy screwed up once too often and now he’s landed himself in the sweat-shops of hell,” the demon said disgustedly.

“I have heard of that place.”

Note: Beth had been running late, didn’t realise the time and got sent to the job site in her bathrobe. Their uniform is a black business suit. A little girl at the accident scene was able to see her. Normally humans cannot see the soul collectors at work. Well Phoebe did but that is another story. When Beth returned home she was furious at Charles who had been the reason for her tardiness.

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36 Responses to WeWriWa – Job Classification

  1. Jenna Jaxon says:

    I never thought that an imp would take pride in his work. But I suppose they too would get satisfaction from a job well done. 🙂 And anything to avoid the sweat-shops! Has Gideon actually ever been to hell? Or is it only the imps? Intriguing question. Great snippet!

    • Sue says:

      Well I decided he would have pride in his work. Get with the program girl! This is not the same story I started two years ago! Gideon visited hell to speak to Mr.. D when he screwed up with Alicia the vampire. One of the many perks, and there are, of being a soul collector is not living in hell Actually I have several snippets scattered someplace which discusses the perks, such as good wine and food.

  2. Jess Schira says:

    sweat-shops of hell, Does not sound like a place I’d want to spend eternity. Great snippet!

    • Sue says:

      I created the sweat shops many drafts ago and it just popped up when I wrote this section. I tried to describe them once but I think everyone would have their own conception 😀

  3. Gemma Parkes says:

    Loving this story! You’ve put a lot of thought into the detail!

  4. Don’t think I’d want to end up there! I am enthralled by all the detail of the world building. Another excellent excerpt!

  5. Oh the humor and the depth of the passage. I think I’ve worked in couple of those sweat-shops and yes it was hell!

  6. Kate Warren says:

    I love the idea of the sweatshops of Hell.

  7. Very atmospheric. Sweatshops of hell – shudder!

  8. Wow! great visual, and sweatshops of hell is not a place I want to visit. Unless it’s reading about it. Great job and can’t wait to read more. 🙂

  9. thevixenfiction says:

    Soul Collectors! What fantastic visuals.. Not a genre I would normally read but this has be curious..

    • Sue says:

      best compliment – wouldn’t normally read! while this is about people who work for the devil and is paranormal, it is also a romance with humour and a contemporary message. thank you again

  10. lol cracks me up he got a little snotty about being called out 🙂

  11. Loved the humor! Definitely hooked me. Soul collectors, yess!! Great 8! 😀

  12. As if Hell’s not bad enough, they have sweatshops! Love it. Great snippet!

    • Sue says:

      well yes they do. Even hell has its layers from most Privileged like the soul collectors then the old messenger imps then the demons then the sweat shops. Bureaucracy is everywhere.

  13. The sweat shops of hell sounds like a place you wouldn’t want to go!

  14. Carrie Crain says:

    I am curious and can’t wait to find out how the little girl spotted Beth! I have a feeling this error will propel plot. Bureaucracy in the sweat shops of hell. Great stuff!

  15. Sue says:

    The error makes for some dinner conversation but nothing to do with the plot, sorry.Myrth might investigate to see if the girl is a witch as is Myrth but that’s about it. I think.

  16. Elin Gregory says:

    Memnoche sounds as though he has a sense of humour. 🙂 Terrific snippet.

  17. Nan says:

    I love the idea of the imp describing his job like I would tell about mine–makes the characters very reachable. Nice, Sue!

    • Sue says:

      The entire soul collector working for the devil idea is written as is just another job, like a plumber, with the pros and cons of any job. Of course this applies to the demons also. the story is a contemporary realistic setting but with a quirk 😀

  18. Very naughty! Good luck with your VIP.

  19. I still find the sweat shops an interesting concept 😀

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