Stream of Consciousness for Blogophilia 28.6


Constipated soul
Doesn’t live life
As a well written story
If only….

Real life ruins the mellow
Mellow the ruins life real

Unencumbered by reality

The rag doll just
Thrown into a corner
Forgotten and broken

Real life’s ruins
Constipated joy
Incapable of release

Did the Ancients
Have a cure?
Hidden in their tombs

The Ancient Egyptians
Knowledgeable about most ills
Physical and emotional

But all that wisdom is lost
Backed up in the bowels of time
spirit, crushed


Written for
Blogophilia Week 28.6 – “If Only…”
Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 pts): include something *Boustrophedon (A back and forth pattern)
(Easy, 1 pt): include a doll in your blog

*the writing of alternate lines in opposite directions (as from left to right and from right to left)

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13 Responses to Stream of Consciousness for Blogophilia 28.6

  1. Ha ha! It’s like comparing the world to intestines… i don;t know but that amused me a bit….

  2. Or as the Joker put it; “What this town needs is an enema.”

  3. Sad, it seems there is very little wisdom left….. and the little that is, quite fleeting. A most excellent, resonant poem! 😉

  4. Bettie says:

    Awesome is you post a joy ta read .. 🙂

  5. Marvin says:

    So sorry for not noticing your post before. Sometimes I could just kick myself! I am sure the ancients had a remedy for all that ails humanity. 8 points Earthling! 🙂

  6. OkieHousewife says:

    Crushed spirits and constipated souls?… sounds like the new ABC comedy fall lineup. Nice work! I wish I knew more about poetry.

  7. BarbaraK aka fiddlbarb says:

    Wise words indeed. Powerful Blogophilia 28.6! – barb k

  8. trev says:

    I like the way you prove that the politicians are full of it Sue… 🙂 ..
    I love the way you write this type of verse girl… powerful and to the point…
    with a comparison that touches on the one thing that links us all together no matter who you my be, rich man poor man beggar man thief… we are all connected to the bodily functions that keep us alive….
    so why not life itself your say!!… I have to agree wholeheartedly Sue…
    love the read and the thoughts it conjures up on ones head… 🙂 loved it girl., xxx

  9. doris emmett says:

    Loved this! So cleverly done!

  10. Very nice!!! Nice flow to it! 🙂

  11. I think it has a nice flow and great imagery.

Aw come on say something....