A-Muse for Blogophilia 10.7

A2Z-BADGE-000 [2014]


For the second year I decided to participate in the A-Z Blogging Challenge.  Each April bloggers write for 26 days (Sundays off). Each day is a consecutive letter of the alphabet.

The half life of the blogging challenge was over on April 15. We’re down to the final stretch only three days remaining. I reached  my goals of meeting new people, learning new information and having fun.

The challenge  entails visiting others’ blogs (there are 2000 on the list) and responding to comments on my posts. No, I don’t visit all the entries. I pick my favs and occasionally find new ones of interest.

I’m also planning a holiday for the beginning of May. If anyone out there lives near Ann Arbour Mich or Chicago or Pittsburgh – message me and we can visit 😀

The blogs I visit regularly include:
a friend here in Ontario whose zombie apocalypse story is tense and engrossing

A friend in New York who writes horror with a pretty prose poem randomly thrown into the mix

Several writers with creative methods of talking about writing tips

A woman who does parodies of romance novels including the art. A very fine line between parody and reality

My good friend in the UK who is doing character snippets this year

and several book review posts

However one of my favs is Moe D’Vation Meets the Girl
Moe is a Muse, Italian, smelly stogie in hand and a comb over.

He gives advice to the girl as she pecks out keys on her laptop. He does this in an Italian accent and the reader wonders just how big is he in the mob?

As I was reading Moe’s latest adventures the other day (he wanted to teach the girl how to make a proper spaghetti sauce but instead caused a huge fire) I felt a poking in my elbow.

When I turned away from my monitor Robert was sitting next to me. Robert is a character from an unfinished novel. In that book called The High Price of Mortality he is the only one who I don’t know too well even though his role is integral to the plot  line.

Unconsciously he had been running around in the back of my mind and now here he was to personally remind me that he needed attention.

I mentioned Robert to Moe who told me to tell Robert that good things come to those who wait.
Well that wasn’t going to work. I’m impatient so it makes sense that my characters are also.

I did break down and printed out my notes about Robert and when I get a free minute will try to piece together a coherent back story for him.
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. Tomorrow is another day to separate the mistakes from the art in Robert’s story

For those of you who cannot understand how characters can sit next to you and annoy you – write more then you’ll understand. 🙂


Written for
Blogophilia Week 10.7 Topic: Tomorrow Is Another DayBonus Points:(Hard, 2 points) Quote Scott Adams

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

(Easy, 1 point) Integrate a half life

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28 Responses to A-Muse for Blogophilia 10.7

  1. Moe D’vation, huh? Gonna have to check that out.

  2. sounds like interesting blogs to read…as was this one!

  3. trev says:

    you really should try to get them on paper Sue…
    too scary to think they live next to you when their home is on the page girl..
    but a muse is something to cherish I feel.. not having it sometimes often worries me…
    your gift is a very attractive one Sue… but still scary for a home grown brit.. 🙂 xxx

  4. Marvin says:

    I am always entertained and often surprised when I visit here Your characters are always well thought out and entertaining…which is a direct reflection of you!

    8 points Earthling! 🙂

  5. Sue says:

    You’re such a sweet talking Martian 😀

  6. Leta says:

    Fabulous writing, as usual!!! LoL at Robert poking you for attention.:)

  7. BarbaraK aka fiddlbarb says:

    Awesome blogging! Have a great time on your trip. I certainly do miss that part of the world. Ann Arbor was always a favorite place to visit during Detroit grad school days back in the day.

  8. Some interesting blogs to read. I definitely should check them out.

  9. I love your characters! Always so intriguing and well developed. Would love to have time to write a novel or even a continuing story but life’s just been too demanding of late. Hugs

  10. Doris Emmett says:

    Great blog and yes …characters become like real peeps…they have needs that must be addressed 🙂

  11. Oh, well done! I love the way you described Robert pestering you.

  12. “Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.” Love this, Sue! And I enjoyed your post. The idea of having a character show up, seated next to you, is pure magic. 🙂

  13. VR Barkowski says:

    One of the best things about the A to Z is the chance to sample blogs you may not have heard of otherwise, and Moe D’Vation Meets the Girl sounds terrific. I missed participating this year.

    Enjoy your holiday! I’ve never been to that part of the country. Take pics. I love vicarious travel. 🙂

    VR Barkowski

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