Six Sentence Sunday September 18

Yea! It’s Sunday and time for Six Sentence Sunday

Every week participants post six sentences from something they are writing – or have written. It’s a lot of fun and really a great way to meet new writers! And I’ve met some terrific people. Thank you !

Be sure to check out the other great participants and thanks so much for stopping by!

From the Devil’s Mistress. This scene takes place after they’ve been seeing each other about a month. While she had vowed to help him regain his humanity, sometimes his job just gets to her.

We had our first fight the other night.

I got really nasty and angry, I just wanted to hit him, and I did.

“There’s no point in me trying to help you regain your humanity. It’s not gonna happen.”

He smells emotions which means there’s not much I can hide from him; he likes to say, “The nose knows.” I am not amused.

“I’ll never get used to the awful scent of rotten eggs, which is what your anger and frustration smells like to me. It oozes from your body and I would do anything to make it go away.”


The Devil’s Mistress, a paranormal romance, is about an unlucky in love woman and a man who works in mid-management for the Devil. He’s the one who dispatches souls to his boss, Mr. D. She vows to restore her lover’s humanity and not lose him in the process. The story is told entirely from her point of view.

















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38 Responses to Six Sentence Sunday September 18

  1. I love the tension and the way this six works. The tense and the use of POV is great. Well done.

  2. Nice correlation between bad smells and emotions.

  3. Lorien Velez says:

    Great show of emotion. Can’t wait to

  4. Zee Monodee says:

    Wow! Loved the last line – he gets the upper hand right away with that!

  5. Jc Martin says:

    I don’t know if I would appreciate being told I smelled of rotten eggs. Interesting ability.

  6. jennajaxon says:

    Loved this snippet! I feel bad for both of them. What frustration! Great job!

  7. Oh, kinda gross LOL. Love your six.

  8. Cate Masters says:

    Hm, wonder what he has in mind? 🙂 Love this snippet.

  9. Lindsay says:

    Rotten egg smell and emotion. Love the combination

  10. Gem Sivad says:

    He’s in a bad way. A devil’s minion with a heart that’s ready to break. Wow. Love it!

  11. Aimee Laine says:

    Ah yes … the nose knows. 🙂

  12. I like how you’ve related the scents and emotions. I’m sure anyone would want to get rid of that smell. Nice six!

  13. Lynne Murray says:

    It’s interesting he takes responsibility in this scene, I’m curious to see what he can do to make it better. Suspenseful six!

  14. Hi, Sue!

    I like the idea of them fighting over this… I mean, it’s kind of a big deal… not just an argument about leaving the seat up in the bathroom…

    couple things:

    “…It’s not going to happen.” I’d love if you could be a bit more specific, like, what exactly set her off? ‘Cause she thinks he truly doesn’t want to change? ‘Cause he just did something devil-like? ‘Cause he left dinner half-way through the night ’cause the devil called?

    Also, your second to last paragraph suddenly switched into present tense and I found that a little distracting 🙂

    Such fun characters 🙂

  15. I love that he can smell her emotions! that is such a fun idea! 😀 awesome!

  16. Hi, Sue! Thanks for stopping by yesterday. Sorry I didn’t get a chance to check out your six till now. I love the whole concept! The only thing that I could nitpick would be your main character’s line here: “There’s no point in me trying to help you regain your humanity. It’s not gonna happen.”

    I feel like most people wouldn’t state that in such a way–it almost doesn’t seem conversational. But like you said earlier–you only have six sentences to work with and sometimes you gotta say what you gotta say to get the point across. I’ll definitely be looking next week for more!

  17. Sue says:

    thank you – and thanks for the comment. It wasn’t conversational, she is angry

  18. Love the description of how her anger smells!!!

  19. Sue says:

    Yeah she sure was stinky 😀

  20. J.A. Beard says:

    I really like the idea of smelling her emotions.

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