Six Sentence Sunday March 27

It’s time again for Six Sentence Sunday

 Every week participants post six sentences from something they are writing – or have written. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to meet new writers!

Be sure to check out the other great participants and thanks so much for stopping by!

Last week from the story The Devil’s Mistress, We left her noticing a very good looking man standing by a crashed vehicle. She was confused. She could not comprehend what the glimmer of light close to the car, that she knows she saw, could possibly be.

You will still not know either  – stay tuned and let me tell my story 😀


At the same time I observed a blip of light that seemed to emanate from the driver of the car. The blip disappeared as soon as it began and the fine looking fellow started to saunter off. At that moment he looked across and saw me watching. Now he did the double take as he realized I had clearly seen him. He walked over to me while my finger was still poised on the 9 key of my cell. I couldn’t tear my eyes off him; he sure was hot looking




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46 Responses to Six Sentence Sunday March 27

  1. bluerose says:

    …and he would be! All the “bad boys” are. LOL! Can’t wait to read the rest

  2. Ohh I want to know what will happen next….

  3. Lisa Fox says:

    Hot enough to freeze her on the spot. Now that’s a whole lot of hotness!

  4. Sarah Grimm says:

    Nice! Especially learning he’s a very hot bad boy. 😉

  5. Nice scene. Makes me want to know more!

  6. Lorien Velez says:

    Love it! Really enjoyed your first POV description. Great job. 🙂

  7. Yeay! More from this scene… I’m so hooked! Nice six x

  8. Really enjoyed this. I’d love to see more of him!! Yumm

  9. Graylin Fox says:

    A hot bad boy with a spark, nice.

  10. Finger posed on the 9 key. Oh yeah, that’s distraction. Hope you’ll post more next week.

    And yes SSS = sound bytes. Great analogy. 🙂

  11. jayel kaye says:

    Alien….Angel… come on, what is he?

  12. Lindsay says:

    Bet she nevers punchs the ‘9’ key.
    And yes Sassy, maybe next week I’ll have more of Pickering

  13. Heather Thurmeier says:

    Too hot to dial for help? Wowza, that’s one hot guy!

  14. Yes, I want more! I guess I’ll have to wait until next week.

  15. In that case, I’d stare, too! Nice six!

  16. D L Jackson says:

    Ah, such a tease. What’s the blip?
    Guess I’ll have to come back to see.

  17. Lauri J Owen says:

    Hmmm. Can’t help but wonder how he can freeze her in place. Is it just his looks – or is it his power, too? Or something else?

  18. Lynne Murray says:

    Intriguing that he did not expect to be noticed, and that he’s hot enough to distract her from calling for help!

  19. Those hot guys will get you every time!

  20. J.C. Martin says:

    Hot or not, he sounds like bad news…

  21. Great six, talk about keeping us in suspense! 🙂

Aw come on say something....